Some days when I watch Storm hop around, I wonder if he is bored or not. So we decided to make Storm a little playground. We bought Storm some little toys like a bunny tunnel and a binky mat. We also found some things from around the house like card board boxes, toilet paper rolls, and an apple stick off one of our trees.
One thing I like to do with Storm is to sit on the couch and sit with him. Then I watch him hop around. Storm also likes to hop around the fire place.We have a screen around the opening of the fire place so Storm can't get into the ashes. Even though it is almost summer and is getting hot in the after noons Storm found a new interest bunny parkour it is very cute, he will jump from love sack to love sack then to the couch or table and then to the fire place and last to the ground again. Sometimes Storm will keep going after that.