Monday, August 11, 2014

Why Are There So Many Bunnies In Shelters?

Please Watch This Video!

She is right! There are lots of abandoned bunnies because people give their relatives or friends bunnies as gifts. Before I got Storm, I spent at least a week doing research on rabbits. I made LOTS of notes then, after I got Storm I created this blog. I have learned a lot more since then! For example, Storm's teeth,bunnies teeth are very high maintenance!

18 Reasons To Get A Rabbit!

Why Bunnies Are Great Pets
  1. Bunnies can be fuzzier then kitties!
  2. They are great with kids!
  3. Bunnies are really cute when they are eating!
  4. They are really cute when they are drinking water!
  5. Bunnies are fun to watch when they are playing!
  6. Rabbits can be train to enter jumping contest!
  7. Rabbits are really smart!
  8. Bunnies can be potty trained!
  9. Rabbits can be put in a harness and you can take them outside!
  10. They love to play with toys!!
  11. Bunny hutches can be really cute!
  12. They can be really cute together and sweeter together!
  13. They are really curious and love to explore which can be really cute!
  14. They are adorable when they stretch!!
  15. Bunnies are very clean animals!
  16. They are not afraid to stand their ground!
  17. They are great companions!
  18. Rabbits are great small, intelligent, and cute!!!!